I want to give a big hello to anyone who just arrived here after watching the promo video I put out. I hope you enjoyed it. It was really fun making. I decided it would be a good time to spread the word about my little endeavor just as things are starting to heat up.
I got over my mini-crisis the other day thanks to some words of encouragement and a good night’s rest. Now I’m ready to finalize the organization of my gear, start washing clothes and laying things out to see what I actually have. Be watching here for a video specifically on my gear.
I also got some new food prep toys that I’m looking forward to trying out and making videos on.
Basically, don’t go anywhere. I may even end up updating a day’s blog after I post it just in case something new happens after I post it. I’ll make sure to put an -Updated- at the top or in the title if I decide to do that.
As far as training goes, I’m still on it, riding 15-20 miles a day and getting some 2 mile walks in as well. I’m going to continue to work hard this week and on Tuesday or Wednesday of next week, 4 days before I leave, I’ll start doing a recovery exercise plan so my legs are good and fresh by the weekend.
I made it for the video below so I might as well share it 😄