How time flies! It’s been 45 days since my last post. Where to begin?
I’ve definitely been outside training a lot more. Mostly running, but doing some stairs as well. There is a flight of 50 stairs in a row that I’ve been going to and will run up and down wearing a weighted vest. But mostly I’ve been jogging.
Now that it’s nice out, it’s been hard to want to go into the gym, though I’m sure the weight lifting and other varieties of cardio would be beneficial.
I went on a 3 vacation to Las Vegas in there and managed to make time for 1 work out. I figure the miles and miles of walking I did the other 2 days counted as exercise enough.
Elliptical at the Park MGM in Las Vegas
Milestone 1:
Last week, I felt fresh enough to try running the longest I’ve ever ran. I managed to run my first 10k and it felt great. During the run I even ran my fasted mile on mile 5 which is really crazy. I actually was speeding up on the back half. It was the middle 2 miles where I was afraid I wouldn’t have enough juice left in the tank if I didn’t slow down a bit. I ended with a time of 57:18. I ran a bit extra just because I wanted to make dang sure I hit 10 kilometers on the GPS.
Milestone 2:
After losing 15 lbs, I’ve been struggling to break 225 lbs, but yesterday I finally slipped under it at 223. I ate dinner and promptly popped back over it, but at least I have the potential to start moving down again.
Last week I finally was able to go buy a new bike so that is yet another way for me to mix up my exercise routine. This morning, I rode it to work and celebrated with the video below. I’ll be testing out more gear in the coming weeks because we are down to less than 2 months until all of this comes to a head and I tackle the mountain so be looking for more videos and posts coming soon.