The start of a journey
I‘m on an adventure, heading west from my home of Lincoln, NE to parts unknown (okay, probably Denver and then the Rocky Mountains), but I have no specific destination in mind and I have 3-4 days to explore wherever my feet and wheels carry me. That’s called coddiwomple which is “to travel in a purposeful manner towards a vague destination”.
My goals are just to see interesting things and practice my videography and photography skills so there should be a lot of stuff to look at.
I’m challenging myself to blog the trip as well as to publish a short video each day of the trip instead of waiting until the end and trying to cobble it all together. I want to see what it’s like to have to record and publish in one day.
Odds are I’ll put them all together into 1 long video when I get home, but for now you can expect to see little videos each day from the previous day (I plan to edit at night while practicing astrophotography). You can also keep checking here to see updates of stops and what’s going on posts as I continue on my journey.