
Warrior Dash Adventure

Last fall 2017, I was able to run a 5k in about 23 minutes which I thought was fairly good for me.  I signed up with my friends for the Warrior Dash this year, 2018, hoping it would motivate me to get out and train again after a very lazy winter. #SpoilerAlert. It did not.

But I showed up and ran it.  I was able to run the first mile and or so non-stop without having jogged more than 2-3 times the entire 6 months before.  Then I jogged and walked my way to the finish line with a time around 44 minutes.  For comparison, the best times were about 24 minutes and my friend Seth's time was about 34 minutes. It was fun though and I'd do it again. The obstacles were the best and with just a little training, the running parts would have been a lot easier.

Come along on the run with me in the video below. I cut the running parts down to mostly just the obstacles so you can enjoy the mud and fire as much as I did.